

  1. 答:Survey of Sleeping Habits of Middle/High School Students
    This survey aims to know more about your sleeping habits by asking you a few questions. Please use a pencil and check the best answer that you think most fit your situation. Thank you.
    What time do you usually go to bed      8pm 简搭腊 9pm 10pm 11pm  12pm or later
    in the evening?      
    What time do you usually get up             4am  5am  6am  7am   8am or later
    in the morning? 枝兄  
    How many times do you get up 拦滑                  
    to go to the bathroom?
    How often do you wake up?
    Do you usually have dreams
    during your sleep?
    How long does it take you
    to fall into sleep?
问:关于睡觉的问卷调查 英语作文至少提10个问题 谢谢大佬们。。急
  1. 答:英语要练习口语,作文要多观察,体会,多读课外书籍
  2. 答:嗯,我有的,可以点我的头像……
  1. 答:ll not concentrate on everything.but almost it doesn',you't sleep well. a famous doctor ever said that sleeping problem would be an important thing.if you can'with the development of the modern society .more and more people have difficulty in the doctor said.but it could cause many other changes in your body.someone may take some sleeping is sleeping pills that could help you with sleping;t work.also you will lost the intrest in everything
