

  1. 答:楼上的那位是google在线翻译的呀。我自己翻吧。With the continuous development of society, the Chinese advertising industry is developing rapidly. This paper expounds the benefits and impacts of applying animation to ads during the modern times with the development of high-speed information. Animation is the product of the highly developing industries and ancient art, while animation industry is the industry with the highest developing potention. Nowadays, animation has been into people's daily life broadly using the form of ads, it open up people's minds with all kinds of performance means,it makes people's inner dreams more reality in front of people's eyes.
  2. 答:Abstract: With the development and improvement of society, China’ advertising industry has grown rapidly. The paper mainly illustrates the advantages and impact of the application of animation advertisement in the information age. Animation is the product of the rapidly-developed high technology and the ancient painting art, and animation industry is one of the most potential industries. Today it enters people’s daily life in the form of advertisement and broadens the advertising perspective with its diversified means of expression. Therefore it can give a more authentic exibition of people’s dream in front of us.
  3. 答:On the ads at the role of
    With the continuous development and progress of society, the Chinese film and television advertising industry developed rapidly. This paper expounds the development of modern high-speed information will be used in film and television animation in the ads benefits and impact. Now animation industry is the most potential for development of industries, it is the rapid development of high technology and ancient art of painting a product, now it has the form of a wide range of ads into people's daily life, its no Can not make the performance of ads means the perspective es more open up people's minds will dream more real in people's eyes to show.
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  4. 答:On the animation at the role of film and television ads Abstract: With the constant development and progress of society, the Chinese film and television advertising industry developed rapidly. This paper expounds the development of modern high-speed information will be used in film and television animation in the ads benefits and impact. Animation is the rapid development of high technology and ancient art of painting a product, while the animation industry is currently the most potential for development of industries in the world, now it has the form of a wide range of ads into people's daily life, its no Can not make the performance of ads means the perspective es more open up people's minds will dream more real in people's eyes to show.
    Keywords: animation, film and television ads
  5. 答:Summary:along with society continuous development progress, Chinese the advertise the industry quickly develop.This text mainly elaborated the present in the information high-speed development, the animation be in advertisement applied bring of advantage and influence.Animation is fly to soon develop of the high-tech and ancient painting bine of e, but the animation industry be one of the industry which has to develop a potential most currently, it extensively got into by the form of advertisement in people's daily life now and make the advertised angle of view change by its omnipotent performance means of more spacious, people the dream trueer display within heart is at people of at present.
  1. 答:用GOOGLE翻译,,然后自己在修改
  2. 答:有道、google均可,但是翻译完之后自己最好读一遍,有些是直译,所以语句不太通顺
  3. 答:无所谓,摘完就那么一点,简单改改就行
  4. 答:很多审稿人属于蹬鼻子上脸,你越表现的谦虚,卑微,比如你回复的时候说审稿人指出的都是对的,你全都是错的,全部都改了。这种情况下部分审稿人会觉得你好欺负,继续提一堆问题攻击你,你回复改完了之后还会继续干你。我早年被这么干过几次,折磨的我痛不欲生。找北京译顶科技,性价比高,我就是在那边做的。若是还有不明白可以统一去知道了解下
  5. 答:毕业论文摘要翻译,用什么翻译软件都不是很推荐,因为翻译软件虽然翻译速度快,方便,但是使用翻译软件也有缺点,就是有时候将句子结构进行调换或增减词语的,换个结构翻译出来的句子就不一样,增加或减个词语,翻译出来的句子也会不同的,有时甚至会相差很大。
  6. 答:很多审稿人属于蹬鼻子上脸,你越表现的谦虚,卑微,比如你回复的时候说审稿人指出的都是对的,你全都是错的,全部都改了。这种情况下部分审稿人会觉得你好欺负,继续提一堆问题攻击你,你回复改完了之后还会继续干你。我早年被这么干过几次,折磨的我痛不欲生。找北京译顶科技,性价比高,我就是在那边做的。若是还有不明白可以统一去知道了解下
  1. 答:如果一个钟头才能翻译出来的话,那您的专八,有些水分吧。
